We have expanded the garden! A whole new section has been added to the base garden thanks to funding from the Park Board’s Access to Nature fund.
Located behind Aberthau Mansion at NW Marine Drive between Discovery and Trimble Street and hosted by Village Vancouver (VV), the garden includes VV’s Collaborative Demonstration Permaculture Garden, the WPG Preschool Garden and art/garden projects by our artist residencies.
The garden emphasizes permaculture design elements, and offers fun, inclusive, social, educational, culinary and cultural activities for community members.
All levels of experience are welcome at our weekly garden work parties, including new gardeners! Inquire at ACG@villagevancouver.ca
Enjoy cooking, fermenting, preserving, DIY demonstrations and timely gardening workshops. To learn more and participate, visit Events – Village Vancouver or email Ross Moster at ross@villagevancouver.ca
The garden is a member of the Westside Neighbourhood Food Network, and is part of the Westside Permaculture Corridor.