Vancouver is upgrading its registration and reservation system for recreation programs (West Point Grey Community Centre included) across the city. The system will be live as of July 28, 2015 in advance of the fall registration dates.
Go to to:
• Create or update your profile
• Purchase and renew passes
• Check your pass expiry date
• Register for programs
• Create a wish list of upcoming programs
• Submit your request for a room rental
Do you currently have an online account?
If so, it will be automatically transferred over to the new system.
You will however need to reset your password, so as of July 28, go to
Click “Sign In”, select “Forget your password?” and follow the steps to get your new password. Login with your email address and confirm your account information is correct.
Never registered online before? Go to
Click “Sign In” or “Create an Account” to set up your profile and password before registration opens for fall programs.
The system has been piloted in several recreation centres and users tell us that it is easy to navigate and people like it. In future phases we’ll introduce new digital features for smartphone and tablet users.